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时间: 2024-09-20 13:58:49


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "efficacious" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The medicine proved to be efficacious in treating the patient's symptoms. (这种药物被证明在治疗病人的症状上非常有效。)

2. The new sales strategy was surprisingly efficacious, doubling profits within a year. (新的销售策略出奇地有效,使利润在一年内翻了一番。)

3. Her advice, although simple, was remarkably efficacious in resolving the conflict. (她的建议虽然简单,但在解决冲突方面非常有效。)

4. The study found the treatment to be more efficacious than previously thought. (研究发现这种治疗比之前认为的更为有效。)

5. Traditional remedies often prove to be quite efficacious in certain cases. (传统疗法在某些情况下往往非常有效。)

6. The policy had an efficacious impact on reducing crime rates in the city. (这项政策对减少城市犯罪率产生了显著的效果。)

7. This cleaner is highly efficacious at removing tough stains from fabrics. (这种清洁剂在去除织物上的顽固污渍方面非常有效。)

8. The scientist's research led to the development of an efficacious vaccine for the disease. (科学家的研究促成了一种有效的疫苗来对抗这种疾病。)

9. His leadership was marked by efficacious decision-making and swift action. (他的领导以果断的决策和迅速的行动为特征。)

10. The therapy has shown itself to be consistently efficacious across different patient groups. (这种疗法在不同的患者群体中都表现出一致的有效性。)

11. The team's collaboration was efficacious, resulting in a groundbreaking discovery. (团队的合作效果显著,导致了一个开创性的发现。)

12. The judge's decision was based on the most efficacious interpretation of the law. (法官的判决是基于对法律最有效的解释。)

13. The herb is renowned for its efficacious properties in alleviating digestive problems. (这种草药因其在缓解消化问题方面的有效性而闻名。)

14. Years of research finally yielded an efficacious treatment for the rare disease. (多年的研究最终为这种罕见疾病找到了一种有效的治疗方法。)

15. The therapist recommended an efficacious technique for managing stress. (治疗师推荐了一种有效的技术来管理压力。)


上一个 【英语】efficacy的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】fictitious的例句




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