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时间: 2024-09-20 12:02:06



1. Gunpowder deflagrates rapidly when ignited, producing a characteristic loud bang and flash of light. (火药在点燃时迅速爆燃,产生特有的巨响和闪光。)

2. The volatile chemicals deflagrated upon contact with air, creating a dangerous situation in the lab. (这些易挥发化学品与空气接触后迅速爆燃,造成实验室中的危险局面。)

3. In the experiment, the scientist observed how different substances deflagrate under controlled conditions. (在实验中,科学家观察了不同物质在控制条件下的爆燃过程。)

4. The firework deflagrated beautifully, showering the night sky with colors. (焰火迅速爆燃,把夜空点缀成五彩斑斓。)

5. The old documents warned about the dangers of storing materials that could deflagrate when exposed to heat. (古老的文件警告称,储存可能在热源作用下迅速爆燃的物质是危险的。)

6. Engineers designed the engine to prevent fuel from deflagrating prematurely. (工程师们设计引擎,以防止燃料过早爆燃。)

7. During the fire, the gas tanks deflagrated, intensifying the blaze. (火灾期间,气罐爆燃,火势进一步加剧。)

8. The explosive compound deflagrated upon impact, causing significant damage to the target. (这种爆炸性化合物在碰撞时迅速爆燃,给目标造成了重大损害。)

9. He watched as the fuse began to deflagrate, counting down to the rocket's launch. (他看着导火索开始燃烧,倒计时火箭的发射。)

10. The chemical reaction deflagrated unexpectedly, releasing toxic gases into the environment. (化学反应突然爆燃,释放出有毒气体到环境中。)

11. Firefighters were cautious as they approached the building where chemicals were known to deflagrate easily. (消防队员在接近这栋建筑时特别小心,因为已知其中的化学品易于爆燃。)

12. The deflagration of the furnace was caused by a malfunction in the heating system. (炉子的爆燃是由于加热系统出现故障引起的。)

13. It's crucial to store fireworks in a cool, dry place to avoid accidental deflagration. (将烟花存放在干燥、阴凉的地方非常关键,以免发生意外爆燃。)

14. The deflagration damaged the structure of the building, requiring extensive repairs. (爆燃损坏了建筑的结构,需要进行大修。)

15. The deflagration of the chemical plant sent shockwaves through the nearby town. (化工厂的爆燃引发了邻近城镇的震动。)


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