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时间: 2024-09-20 09:07:52


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "discomfort" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The hard chair caused her significant discomfort during the meeting.

- 这把硬椅子在会议期间让她感到相当不舒服。

2. He shifted in his seat, trying to alleviate his discomfort.

- 他在座位上移动,试图缓解他的不适感。

3. Her discomfort was evident from her tense posture.

- 她紧张的姿势显示出她的不适感。

4. He tried to hide his discomfort with a forced smile.

- 他试图用一种勉强的微笑掩饰自己的不适感。

5. The awkward silence only added to her discomfort.

- 尴尬的沉默只增加了她的不适感。

6. The medication provided relief from his discomfort.

- 药物缓解了他的不适感。

7. She politely excused herself, citing sudden discomfort.

- 她礼貌地请假,称突然感到不适。

8. His discomfort with public speaking was evident in his trembling voice.

- 他对公众演讲的不适感在他颤抖的声音中表现出来。

9. The unfamiliar surroundings caused a sense of discomfort in her.

- 不熟悉的环境让她感到一种不适。

10. The news of the accident brought discomfort to everyone in the office.

- 意外事故的消息给办公室里的每个人带来了不适感。

11. He experienced discomfort in his knee after running for hours.

- 跑了几个小时后,他的膝盖感到不适。

12. She avoided eye contact, hoping to lessen her discomfort.

- 她避免眼神交流,希望减轻她的不适感。

13. The tight deadline created a sense of discomfort among the team members.

- 紧迫的截止日期让团队成员感到一种不适。

14. His discomfort with technology was evident when he struggled to use the computer.

- 当他在使用计算机时挣扎时,他对技术的不适感显而易见。

15. The emotional scene in the movie triggered discomfort in some viewers.

- 电影中的情感场景引发了一些观众的不适感。


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