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时间: 2024-09-20 12:08:47


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "formality," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The signing of the document was merely a formality; the decision had already been made. (签署文件只是例行公事,决定已经做出。)

2. The receptionist greeted us with a smile, but it seemed like a mere formality. (接待员微笑迎接我们,但这似乎只是例行公事。)

3. They went through the formality of introducing themselves before beginning the meeting. (他们开始会议前,进行了自我介绍的例行程序。)

4. Attending the awards ceremony was more of a formality for him; he knew he wasn't going to win. (参加颁奖典礼对他来说更像是例行公事,他知道自己不会赢得奖项。)

5. The company followed all the legal formalities before terminating the contract. (公司在终止合同前完成了所有法律程序。)

6. The wedding ceremony was a beautiful formality, marking the beginning of their new life together. (婚礼仪式是一种美丽的仪式,标志着他们新生活的开始。)

7. He treated the interview as a formality, already assuming he had secured the job. (他把面试当作例行公事,已经认为自己已经得到了工作。)

8. Despite the formality of the occasion, everyone felt relaxed and at ease. (尽管场合庄重,但每个人都感到轻松自在。)

9. The ceremony had all the formalities expected of a state event. (这个仪式具备了作为国家活动应有的一切正式程序。)

10. The contract signing was more than just a formality; it was a symbol of their partnership. (签订合同不仅仅是例行公事,更是他们合作伙伴关系的象征。)

11. He completed the application form as a formality, already knowing he met all the requirements. (他填写申请表只是例行程序,因为他已经知道自己符合所有要求。)

12. She appreciated the formality of the traditional tea ceremony. (她欣赏传统茶道的庄重仪式感。)

13. The judge went through the formality of asking the defendant to rise before delivering the verdict. (法官要求被告起立,然后宣布判决,这是例行公事。)

14. The graduation ceremony was a joyful formality, celebrating their academic achievements. (毕业典礼是一种愉快的仪式,庆祝他们的学术成就。)

15. The customs officer checked our passports as a formality before allowing us into the country. (海关人员检查了我们的护照,然后才允许我们进入国家。)


上一个 【英语】formalism的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】conformity的例句




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