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时间: 2024-09-21 02:41:01


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "suffragist" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She was a prominent suffragist who campaigned tirelessly for women's right to vote. (她是一位著名的妇女选举权斗士,为妇女争取选举权而不知疲倦地奋斗。)

2. Many suffragists were arrested during peaceful protests demanding suffrage. (许多妇女选举权斗士在要求选举权的和平抗议中被捕。)

3. The suffragists organized marches and demonstrations to raise awareness. (妇女选举权斗士组织游行和示威活动以提高社会意识。)

4. Susan B. Anthony is one of the most famous suffragists in American history. (苏珊·B·安东尼是美国历史上最著名的妇女选举权斗士之一。)

5. The suffragists faced strong opposition from those who opposed women's rights. (妇女选举权斗士面对来自反对妇女权利的人士的强烈反对。)

6. Emmeline Pankhurst was a leading suffragist in the United Kingdom. (艾米琳·潘克赫斯特是英国的一位领导性妇女选举权斗士。)

7. The suffragists made significant progress in the fight for women's suffrage. (妇女选举权斗士在争取妇女选举权的斗争中取得了重大进展。)

8. Many suffragists were dedicated to achieving equality for women in all aspects of society. (许多妇女选举权斗士致力于在社会各个方面实现妇女平等。)

9. The suffragists organized petitions to present to lawmakers. (妇女选举权斗士组织请愿书提交给立法者。)

10. The suffragists were instrumental in changing public opinion about women's rights. (妇女选举权斗士在改变公众对妇女权利看法方面发挥了重要作用。)

11. Alice Paul was known for her radical approach as a suffragist. (艾丽丝·保罗因其作为妇女选举权斗士的激进方式而闻名。)

12. The suffragists held meetings across the country to discuss strategy. (妇女选举权斗士在全国各地举行会议讨论策略。)

13. Many suffragists faced criticism and ridicule for their beliefs. (许多妇女选举权斗士因其信念而面对批评和嘲笑。)

14. The suffragists finally achieved their goal when women were granted the right to vote. (当妇女获得选举权时,妇女选举权斗士最终实现了他们的目标。)

15. The suffragists' efforts paved the way for future generations of women leaders. (妇女选举权斗士的努力为后代女性领袖铺平了道路。)


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