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时间: 2024-09-21 02:57:56


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "frigid," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The frigid wind cut through her coat as she walked home. (寒风刺骨,吹穿了她的外套,当她走回家)

2. The lake was frigid, with ice forming along the edges. (湖水冰冷刺骨,边缘结冰)

3. His frigid demeanor made it hard to approach him. (他冷淡的态度使人难以接近)

4. The temperature dropped to a frigid minus twenty degrees Celsius. (气温骤降到零下二十摄氏度,极为寒冷)

5. Their relationship grew increasingly frigid after the argument. (他们之间的关系在争吵后变得越来越冷淡)

6. The team's performance was frigid in the first half of the game. (球队在比赛的上半场表现冷淡)

7. She received a frigid reception from her colleagues at the meeting. (她在会议上受到同事们冷淡的接待)

8. The frigid waters of the Arctic Ocean are home to polar bears. (北冰洋冰冷的水域是北极熊的栖息地)

9. Her frigid expression betrayed no emotion. (她冷漠的表情没有流露任何情感)

10. The frigid atmosphere in the room made conversation difficult. (房间里的冷漠氛围使得交流困难)

11. He greeted her with a frigid handshake. (他用冷淡的握手来打招呼她)

12. The mood in the office turned frigid after the announcement of layoffs. (宣布裁员后,办公室里的气氛变得冷冰冰的)

13. She stared at him with frigid contempt. (她带着冷冷的轻蔑看着他)

14. The frigid desert nights were surprisingly cold. (沙漠的夜晚异常寒冷)

15. Despite the frigid conditions, they managed to climb the mountain. (尽管条件恶劣,他们还是成功地爬上了山)


上一个 【英语】frailty的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】frigidity的例句




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