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时间: 2024-09-21 08:08:16



1. She tried to ingratiate herself with the boss by complimenting his tie. 她试图通过称赞老板的领带来讨好他。

2. He often ingratiated himself with his professors by staying after class to ask insightful questions. 他经常通过课后留下来问有深度的问题来讨好他的教授。

3. The politician attempted to ingratiate himself with voters by promising tax cuts. 这位政治家试图通过承诺减税来讨好选民。

4. She tried to ingratiate herself into the social circle by hosting lavish parties. 她试图通过举办豪华派对来融入社交圈。

5. He tried to ingratiate himself with his girlfriend's parents by helping with household chores. 他试图通过帮忙做家务来讨好女友的父母。

6. The new employee tried to ingratiate himself with his colleagues by bringing in donuts every Friday. 这位新员工试图通过每周五带来甜甜圈来讨好他的同事。

7. She attempted to ingratiate herself with her future in-laws by learning their cultural traditions. 她试图通过学习他们的文化传统来讨好未来的亲家。

8. He tried to ingratiate himself with the committee members by agreeing with everything they said. 他试图通过赞同他们说的每件事来讨好委员会成员。

9. The celebrity manager sought to ingratiate himself with the media by granting exclusive interviews. 名人经理试图通过授予独家采访来讨好媒体。

10. She attempted to ingratiate herself with her neighbors by organizing a neighborhood watch program. 她试图通过组织邻里巡逻计划来讨好她的邻居。

11. The student tried to ingratiate herself with the teacher by volunteering to assist with class projects. 这名学生试图通过自愿帮助课堂项目来讨好老师。

12. The consultant tried to ingratiate himself with the client by offering free additional services. 这位顾问试图通过提供免费的额外服务来讨好客户。

13. The actor attempted to ingratiate himself with the director by memorizing all his lines perfectly. 这位演员试图通过完美记忆他所有的台词来讨好导演。

14. She tried to ingratiate herself with her distant relatives by sending them thoughtful gifts. 她试图通过寄送贴心的礼物来讨好她的远房亲戚。

15. He attempted to ingratiate himself with the investors by presenting a detailed financial plan. 他试图通过呈现详细的财务计划来讨好投资者。


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