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时间: 2024-09-20 16:28:29


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "hesitation," along with their Chinese translations:

1. She answered without hesitation when asked about her future plans. (她被问及未来计划时毫不犹豫地回答了。)

2. There was a brief hesitation before he pressed the button. (他按下按钮之前稍作迟疑。)

3. His hesitation to commit showed his uncertainty about the decision. (他犹豫不决表明他对这个决定并不确定。)

4. Without hesitation, she jumped into the icy water to save the drowning child. (她毫不犹豫地跳进冰冷的水中救起了溺水的孩子。)

5. After a moment's hesitation, he agreed to join the team. (稍作犹豫之后,他同意加入团队。)

6. She sensed his hesitation in accepting the offer. (她感觉到他在接受邀请时的犹豫。)

7. There was a noticeable hesitation in her voice as she spoke about the incident. (她谈起那件事时,声音中有明显的犹豫。)

8. The hesitation in his footsteps revealed his nervousness. (他步伐中的迟疑显露了他的紧张。)

9. His hesitation to disclose the information raised suspicions. (他不愿透露信息的犹豫引起了怀疑。)

10. Despite initial hesitation, she decided to pursue her dream of becoming an artist. (尽管最初有些犹豫,她决定追求成为艺术家的梦想。)

11. There was a brief hesitation before she entered the room. (她进入房间之前稍作迟疑。)

12. He hesitated to criticize her work, fearing her reaction. (他犹豫是否批评她的工作,担心她的反应。)

13. Without a moment's hesitation, he defended his friend's honor. (他毫不犹豫地捍卫了朋友的荣誉。)

14. His hesitation was evident as he struggled to make a decision. (他的犹豫显而易见,他在做出决定时挣扎不已。)

15. She noticed the hesitation in his handshake, indicating his unease. (她注意到他握手时的迟疑,显示出他的不安。)

Hope these examples are helpful!

上一个 【英语】heritability的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】exhibitionist的例句




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