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时间: 2024-09-20 21:58:42



1. The drug works by inhibiting the growth of bacteria. (这种药通过抑制细菌的生长起作用。)

2. Fear can inhibit people from expressing their true feelings. (恐惧可以抑制人们表达他们真实的感情。)

3. High costs can inhibit economic growth. (高成本可以抑制经济增长。)

4. His shyness inhibited his ability to make friends. (他的害羞抑制了他交朋友的能力。)

5. The bad weather may inhibit turnout at the event. (恶劣的天气可能抑制活动的参与率。)

6. The committee decided to inhibit further discussion on the matter. (委员会决定抑制对这个问题的进一步讨论。)

7. Nervousness can inhibit a performer's ability on stage. (紧张可以抑制表演者在舞台上的能力。)

8. Certain enzymes inhibit the growth of mold in cheese. (某些酶抑制了奶酪中霉菌的生长。)

9. Lack of funding can inhibit scientific research. (资金不足可能会抑制科学研究。)

10. The medication is designed to inhibit pain receptors. (这种药物旨在抑制疼痛感受器。)

11. Cultural differences can inhibit effective communication. (文化差异可能会抑制有效的沟通。)

12. They found that stress can inhibit memory retention. (他们发现压力可以抑制记忆力的保持。)

13. Legal restrictions can inhibit freedom of expression. (法律限制可以抑制言论自由。)

14. The company hopes the new policy will not inhibit innovation. (公司希望新政策不会抑制创新。)

15. Lack of confidence can inhibit career advancement. (缺乏自信可以抑制事业的发展。)


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