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时间: 2024-09-21 07:30:06


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with explanations for the word "humility":

1. She showed great humility by accepting the award with a heartfelt thank you.

- 她通过诚挚的谢辞接受了奖项,展示了极大的谦逊。

2. Despite his wealth and success, he always treated everyone with humility and respect.

- 尽管他富有并取得了成功,他始终以谦逊和尊重对待每个人。

3. The leader's humility endeared her to the team, fostering a collaborative spirit.

- 领导者的谦逊使她赢得了团队的喜爱,促进了合作精神。

4. His humility was evident in the way he quietly contributed to the community without seeking recognition.

- 他的谦逊体现在他默默为社区做贡献而不求认可的方式上。

5. The monk's humility was reflected in his simple way of life and dedication to helping others.

- 这位僧侣的谦逊体现在他简朴的生活方式和帮助他人的奉献精神上。

6. She approached her mistakes with humility, acknowledging them and striving to learn from them.

- 她以谦逊的态度面对自己的错误,承认并努力从中学习。

7. In his humility, he never boasted about his achievements but quietly continued to work hard.

- 他从不夸耀自己的成就,而是默默地继续努力工作,显示出他的谦逊。

8. Her humility shone through when she graciously accepted feedback and constructive criticism.

- 她在优雅地接受反馈和建设性批评时展现出她的谦逊。

9. The teacher's humility made her approachable and beloved by her students.

- 教师的谦逊使她平易近人,深受学生喜爱。

10. He displayed humility by stepping back and letting others take the lead when appropriate.

- 在适当时候,他通过退让让别人主导,展示了谦逊。

11. Despite his expertise, he approached each task with humility, eager to learn and improve.

- 尽管他技术娴熟,但他以谦逊的态度对待每一项任务,渴望学习和进步。

12. Her humility in victory and grace in defeat made her a respected competitor.

- 她在胜利中的谦逊和失败中的优雅使她成为一名受人尊敬的竞争者。

13. His humility was evident in the way he always put others' needs before his own.

- 他的谦逊体现在他总是把别人的需求置于自己之前的方式上。

14. The leader's humility was a source of inspiration, encouraging others to follow her example.

- 领导者的谦逊是一种激励,鼓励别人效仿她的榜样。

15. Despite his fame, he remained humble, never forgetting his roots and the support of his fans.

- 尽管他很出名,但他始终保持谦卑,从不忘记自己的根源和粉丝们的支持。


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