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时间: 2024-09-21 10:23:59



1. The car hydroplaned on the wet road, causing the driver to lose control. (汽车在湿滑的道路上打滑,导致驾驶员失控。)

2. The airplane hydroplaned briefly upon landing in heavy rain. (飞机在大雨中降落时稍有打滑。)

3. Due to the water depth, the speedboat could hydroplane across the lake surface. (由于水深,快艇可以在湖面上滑行。)

4. The pilot skillfully avoided hydroplaning during the storm. (飞行员在风暴中巧妙地避免了打滑。)

5. Hydroplaning can be dangerous if not managed correctly. (如果管理不当,打滑可能很危险。)

6. He learned to control the vehicle when it began to hydroplane. (他学会了在车辆开始打滑时如何控制它。)

7. The jet ski hydroplaned over the waves effortlessly. (水上摩托在波浪上轻松地滑行。)

8. She panicked when her bicycle hydroplaned on the slick pavement. (当她的自行车在光滑的人行道上打滑时,她感到恐慌。)

9. Hydroplaning occurs when a layer of water builds up between the tires and the road. (当水层在轮胎和路面之间积聚时,就会发生打滑。)

10. The race car expertly hydroplaned through the puddles on the track. (赛车手在赛道上的水洼中巧妙地滑行。)

11. The SUV hydroplaned despite the driver's attempts to slow down. (尽管司机试图减速,但SUV还是发生了打滑。)

12. Hydroplaning can happen unexpectedly, especially in heavy rain. (打滑可能会在大雨中突如其来地发生。)

13. Drivers should be cautious of hydroplaning on roads with poor drainage. (在排水不良的道路上,驾驶员应该小心打滑。)

14. The boat's design allowed it to hydroplane smoothly across the lake. (这艘船的设计使其可以顺利地在湖面上滑行。)

15. Hydroplaning can be reduced by maintaining proper tire tread depth. (通过保持适当的轮胎花纹深度,可以减少打滑的可能性。)


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