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时间: 2024-09-21 07:37:34



1. We need to ideate some new strategies to improve our marketing efforts.

- 我们需要构思一些新的策略来改善我们的营销工作。

2. The team gathered to ideate potential solutions for the project’s challenges.

- 团队聚集在一起构思项目挑战的潜在解决方案。

3. Before starting the design process, it's important to ideate and brainstorm ideas.

- 在开始设计过程之前,重要的是要构思和头脑风暴想法。

4. She loves to ideate creative concepts for her art projects.

- 她喜欢为她的艺术项目构思创意概念。

5. Our workshop was focused on ideating ways to enhance user experience.

- 我们的研讨会专注于构思增强用户体验的方法。

6. The startup encourages its employees to ideate freely and share innovative thoughts.

- 这家初创公司鼓励员工自由构思并分享创新想法。

7. Ideating solutions for complex problems requires a lot of creativity and patience.

- 为复杂问题构思解决方案需要大量的创造力和耐心。

8. We set aside time each week to ideate and discuss new product features.

- 我们每周留出时间来构思和讨论新产品功能。

9. The brainstorming session was designed to help us ideate more effectively.

- 头脑风暴会议的目的是帮助我们更有效地构思。

10. Ideate and sketch your ideas before moving on to the detailed planning stage.

- 在进入详细规划阶段之前,先构思和草图你的想法。

11. She was able to ideate a novel approach to solve the longstanding issue.

- 她能够构思出一种新颖的方法来解决长期存在的问题。

12. Our goal is to ideate solutions that are both practical and innovative.

- 我们的目标是构思既实用又创新的解决方案。

13. We use design thinking techniques to help teams ideate more effectively.

- 我们使用设计思维技巧来帮助团队更有效地构思。

14. The ideation phase is crucial for developing a successful product.

- 构思阶段对于开发成功的产品至关重要。

15. It’s essential to ideate with an open mind to explore all possible options.

- 以开放的心态构思是探索所有可能选项的关键。


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