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时间: 2024-09-21 10:36:36



1. At this juncture, we need to decide whether to proceed with the project or cancel it altogether. (在这个关键时刻,我们需要决定是继续推进这个项目还是完全取消。)

2. The company faced a critical juncture when its CEO unexpectedly resigned. (公司在CEO意外辞职时面临了关键时刻。)

3. He arrived at a crucial juncture in his career where he had to choose between two job offers. (他在职业生涯的一个关键时刻,需要在两个工作机会中做出选择。)

4. The negotiations reached a critical juncture as both parties struggled to find common ground. (谈判达到了一个关键时刻,双方都在努力寻找共同点。)

5. The country's history took a dramatic turn at this juncture, leading to significant changes in policy. (在这个时刻,国家历史出现了戏剧性转变,导致政策上的重大变化。)

6. It was at this juncture that they realized the importance of environmental sustainability. (正是在这个关键时刻,他们意识到了环境可持续性的重要性。)

7. The project faced a crucial juncture when funding was suddenly cut off. (项目在资金突然中断时面临了一个关键时刻。)

8. We are at a critical juncture in our relationship and need to decide where to go from here. (我们在关系上正处于一个关键时刻,需要决定接下来的方向。)

9. At this juncture of the story, the protagonist faces a major dilemma. (在故事的这个关键时刻,主角面临着重大的困境。)

10. The economy reached a critical juncture after years of steady growth. (经过多年的稳定增长后,经济在这个关键时刻达到了一个重要转折点。)

11. At this juncture, it's important to review our progress and make necessary adjustments. (在这个时刻,重要的是审视我们的进展并进行必要的调整。)

12. The negotiations are at a delicate juncture where any wrong move could derail the entire process. (谈判正处于一个微妙的时刻,任何错误的举动都可能破坏整个进程。)

13. The team arrived at a pivotal juncture where their strategy needed to evolve. (团队到达了一个关键时刻,他们的战略需要发展变化。)

14. The artist's career reached a critical juncture with the release of her latest album. (艺术家的职业生涯在她最新专辑发布时达到了一个关键时刻。)

15. At this juncture, we must consider all options before making a decision. (在这个关键时刻,我们必须在做出决定之前考虑所有的选择。)


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