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时间: 2024-09-21 05:14:54



1. After six months of sobriety, he suffered a relapse.

- 他在禁酒六个月后再次复发了。

2. The patient was disappointed to experience a relapse of her illness.

- 患者对她的疾病复发感到很失望。

3. She hoped that the new treatment would prevent a relapse.

- 她希望新的治疗能够防止病情复发。

4. The doctor warned him about the possibility of a relapse.

- 医生警告他有可能会复发。

5. After his relapse, he knew he had to start his recovery process over again.

- 在复发后,他知道自己必须重新开始恢复过程。

6. A relapse can often be triggered by stress or other factors.

- 复发通常可能由压力或其他因素引发。

7. He was on medication to reduce the risk of a relapse.

- 他在服用药物以降低复发的风险。

8. The relapse made it clear that he needed to adjust his treatment plan.

- 复发使他明白自己需要调整治疗计划。

9. She had a relapse of her depression after the breakup.

- 分手后她的抑郁症复发了。

10. A relapse in behavior can be challenging for both the individual and their family.

- 行为上的复发对个人及其家庭都可能是一个挑战。

11. He was worried about a potential relapse after stopping his medication.

- 他担心停药后可能会复发。

12. Relapse prevention strategies are essential for long-term recovery.

- 防止复发的策略对长期恢复至关重要。

13. The therapist helped him work through his fears of a relapse.

- 治疗师帮助他克服了对复发的恐惧。

14. She had to go back to therapy after a relapse of her anxiety.

- 然而由于焦虑症的复发,她不得不重新开始接受治疗。

15. Despite the relapse, he remained optimistic about his recovery journey.

- 尽管复发了,他依然对自己的恢复过程保持乐观。


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