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时间: 2024-09-21 14:17:18


"Collingual" 这个词汇在英语中并不常见,它通常被认为是一种拼写错误或者误用。然而,如果你指的是可能的正确形式 "conlingual",那么这个词通常被用来描述语言或者语言使用方式的共同性或者共享性。

这里有一些关于 "conlingual" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. "The conlingual aspects of slang often cross cultural boundaries." (俚语的共同语言方面通常跨越文化界限。)

2. "They discovered a conlingual pattern in how jokes are structured globally." (他们发现了一个全球笑话结构的共同语言模式。)

3. "The conlingual similarities between French and Spanish make learning one after the other easier." (法语和西班牙语之间的共同语言相似性使得依次学习变得更容易。)

4. "Understanding conlingual nuances can be crucial for effective communication in multinational teams." (理解共同语言的微妙之处对于跨国团队的有效沟通至关重要。)

5. "Her research focuses on identifying conlingual roots in ancient languages." (她的研究集中于识别古代语言中的共同语言根源。)

6. "The conference aimed to explore conlingual strategies for preserving endangered languages." (该会议旨在探讨保护濒危语言的共同语言策略。)

7. "Conlingual competence is increasingly valued in the globalized job market." (在全球化的就业市场上,共同语言能力越来越受到重视。)

8. "Their conlingual approach to storytelling resonated with audiences worldwide." (他们在叙事中的共同语言方法在全球观众中引起共鸣。)

9. "The conlingual exchange program helped students bridge cultural gaps." (共同语言交流项目帮助学生弥合了文化差异。)

10. "The book explores conlingual metaphors across different literary traditions." (这本书探讨了不同文学传统中的共同语言隐喻。)

11. "His conlingual fluency in multiple dialects impressed linguists worldwide." (他在多种方言中的共同语言流利程度令全球语言学家印象深刻。)

12. "Conlingual analysis reveals underlying patterns in cross-cultural communication." (共同语言分析揭示了跨文化交流中的潜在模式。)

13. "They developed a conlingual glossary to aid international negotiations." (他们编制了一个共同语言词汇表,以帮助国际谈判。)

14. "The conlingual dialogue between the two leaders paved the way for diplomatic progress." (两位领导人之间的共同语言对话为外交进展铺平了道路。)

15. "Understanding conlingual shifts is essential for accurate translation." (理解共同语言转变对于准确翻译至关重要。)


上一个 【英语】unilingual的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】sublingual的例句




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