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时间: 2024-09-20 11:28:25



1. The ancient monolith stood tall in the center of the plaza. (古老的独石耸立在广场的中央。)

2. The company decided to replace their monolithic database with a more scalable solution. (公司决定用更可扩展的解决方案替换他们的单体数据库。)

3. The mysterious monolith appeared overnight in the desert, baffling scientists. (神秘的独石在夜间出现在沙漠中,令科学家们感到困惑。)

4. The monolithic structure of the government hindered swift decision-making. (政府的庞大结构阻碍了快速决策。)

5. The monolith of bureaucracy slowed down the implementation of the new policy. (官僚主义的庞大结构减缓了新政策的实施。)

6. The artist sculpted a monolith from a single block of marble. (艺术家用一块大理石雕刻了一座独石。)

7. The monoliths at Stonehenge continue to intrigue historians and archaeologists. (斯通亨奇的巨石继续引起历史学家和考古学家的兴趣。)

8. The monolithic corporation dominated the market for decades. (这家庞大的公司主导市场数十年。)

9. The monolith of debt seemed insurmountable to the struggling family. (债务的庞大如同一座高山,对这个苦苦挣扎的家庭来说难以逾越。)

10. The political party struggled to adapt to a changing society with its monolithic ideology. (这个政党在适应社会变革时,面对其庞大的意识形态束缚艰难前行。)

11. The monolith of tradition clashed with modern values in the debate. (传统的庞大力量在辩论中与现代价值观发生冲突。)

12. The monolithic statue dominated the skyline of the city. (那座庞大的雕像主宰了城市的天际线。)

13. The building's monolithic design gave it a striking and imposing appearance. (建筑的单体设计使其外观醒目而威严。)

14. The military base was protected by monolithic concrete walls. (军事基地被庞大的混凝土墙保护着。)

15. Breaking down the monolith of poverty requires comprehensive social and economic reforms. (打破贫困的庞大障碍需要全面的社会和经济改革。)


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