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时间: 2024-09-20 14:10:15


Certainly! 这里有一些关于 "allocation" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The allocation of resources was carefully planned to maximize efficiency. (资源的配置经过精心规划,以达到最大效率。)

2. The government announced a new allocation of funds for education. (政府宣布了一笔新的教育经费分配。)

3. Proper allocation of time is crucial for meeting deadlines. (合理安排时间对于遵守截止日期至关重要。)

4. The allocation of seats in the conference room was based on seniority. (会议室座位的分配是根据资历来确定的。)

5. The allocation of tasks among team members was equitable. (任务在团队成员之间的分配是公平的。)

6. Efficient allocation of manpower is essential for completing the project on time. (高效分配人力资源对于按时完成项目至关重要。)

7. The allocation of responsibilities within the department was clearly defined. (部门内的责任分配被清晰地定义了。)

8. Allocating more funds to research and development could lead to significant breakthroughs. (向研发投入更多资金可能会带来重大突破。)

9. The allocation of rooms in the hotel was based on availability and guest preferences. (酒店房间的分配是根据可用性和客人的偏好。)

10. Proper allocation of roles ensures smooth functioning of the team. (适当分配角色确保团队的顺畅运作。)

11. The allocation of blame for the failure was contentious among the team members. (团队成员在失败的责任分配上存在争议。)

12. The allocation of budget resources needs to be transparent and accountable. (预算资源的分配需要透明和负责任。)

13. Fair allocation of time for each speaker was enforced during the conference. (会议期间强调了对每位发言者时间的公平分配。)

14. The allocation of duties was based on the strengths and skills of each team member. (职责的分配是基于每个团队成员的优势和技能。)

15. Allocating enough space for storage is crucial in warehouse management. (在仓库管理中,为存储分配足够的空间至关重要。)

希望这些例句能帮助你理解和应用 "allocation" 这个词汇!

上一个 【英语】allocate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】relocate的例句




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