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时间: 2024-09-20 13:03:11



1. The professor delivered a fascinating colloquium on quantum mechanics. (教授做了一个关于量子力学的引人入胜的专题讲座。)

2. Attendance at the weekly colloquium is mandatory for all graduate students. (所有研究生都必须参加每周的专题讲座。)

3. The colloquium focused on recent advancements in medical research. (这次专题讲座关注了医学研究的最新进展。)

4. Scholars from various disciplines gathered to discuss climate change at the colloquium. (来自各个学科的学者们聚集在一起,在专题讲座上讨论气候变化。)

5. The colloquium provided a platform for experts to exchange ideas. (专题讲座为专家们交流思想提供了平台。)

6. Her presentation at the colloquium was well-received by the audience. (她在专题讲座上的演讲受到了听众的好评。)

7. The colloquium addressed the impact of globalization on local economies. (专题讲座探讨了全球化对地方经济的影响。)

8. We look forward to your participation in next month's colloquium. (我们期待你参加下个月的专题讲座。)

9. The colloquium concluded with a panel discussion involving several experts. (专题讲座以几位专家参与的座谈会结束。)

10. His research findings were presented at the annual colloquium of the society. (他的研究成果在学会的年度专题讲座上被介绍。)

11. The colloquium is open to anyone interested in the topic. (专题讲座对任何对该主题感兴趣的人开放。)

12. The colloquium will be followed by a reception in the main hall. (专题讲座结束后将在主会场举行招待会。)

13. The colloquium series covers a wide range of subjects within the field of anthropology. (专题讲座系列涵盖了人类学领域内的广泛主题。)

14. Participants were encouraged to ask questions during the colloquium. (参与者被鼓励在专题讲座期间提问。)

15. The colloquium aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration. (专题讲座旨在促进跨学科合作。)


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