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时间: 2024-09-20 14:11:19


Certainly! "Immemorial" means extending back beyond memory, record, or knowledge. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The tradition of celebrating the winter solstice has been observed since time immemorial.

- 自古以来,庆祝冬至的传统就一直延续至今。

2. Their village has occupied this land since time immemorial.

- 他们的村庄自古以来就占据了这片土地。

3. The rights of the indigenous people to the land have existed since time immemorial.

- 土著人民对这片土地的权利由来已久。

4. This custom has been practiced here since time immemorial.

- 这种习俗在这里自古就有。

5. Legends of dragons have existed in Chinese culture since time immemorial.

- 龙的传说在中国文化中由来已久。

6. The castle has stood on this hill since time immemorial.

- 这座城堡自古以来就矗立在这座山上。

7. Their family's wealth and influence have been prominent since time immemorial.

- 他们家族的财富和影响力自古以来就非常显著。

8. The monastery has been a place of worship since time immemorial.

- 这座修道院自古以来就是一处供奉的地方。

9. The river has provided water to this town since time immemorial.

- 这条河自古以来就为这座城镇提供水源。

10. The language has been spoken in this region since time immemorial.

- 这种语言自古以来就在这个地区被使用。

11. The festival has been celebrated in their culture since time immemorial.

- 这个节日在他们的文化中由来已久。

12. The treaty between the two tribes dates back to time immemorial.

- 这两个部落之间的条约可以追溯到古老的时代。

13. The mountains have been a source of legends since time immemorial.

- 这些山脉自古以来就是传奇故事的源泉。

14. The ancient city's walls have been standing since time immemorial.

- 这座古城的城墙自古以来就屹立不倒。

15. Their family's lineage can be traced back since time immemorial.

- 他们家族的血统可以追溯到远古时期。


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