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时间: 2024-09-20 11:08:37


“Emergence” 意指“出现”或“浮现”,在不同语境中有不同的用法。以下是15个例句及其中文解释:

1. The emergence of new technologies has changed the way we live.

- 新技术的出现改变了我们的生活方式。

2. The emergence of the butterfly from the cocoon is a remarkable process.

- 蝴蝶从蛹中浮现的过程是一个显著的过程。

3. The emergence of a new leader was crucial for the organization’s success.

- 新领导者的出现对组织的成功至关重要。

4. We are witnessing the emergence of a new trend in consumer behavior.

- 我们正在目睹消费行为中新趋势的出现。

5. The emergence of various social media platforms has revolutionized communication.

- 各种社交媒体平台的出现彻底改变了沟通方式。

6. The emergence of the Internet has transformed global commerce.

- 互联网的出现改变了全球商业。

7. The emergence of complex life forms on Earth took millions of years.

- 地球上复杂生命形式的出现经历了数百万年。

8. There was a sudden emergence of a solution to the problem.

- 解决问题的方案突然出现了。

9. The emergence of a consensus among the team members facilitated the decision-making process.

- 团队成员之间达成共识的出现促进了决策过程。

10. The emergence of drug-resistant bacteria poses a significant challenge to modern medicine.

- 抗药性细菌的出现对现代医学构成了重大挑战。

11. The emergence of new ideas often comes from unexpected sources.

- 新思想的出现通常来自意想不到的来源。

12. The emergence of new scientific theories can sometimes shift established paradigms.

- 新科学理论的出现有时会改变既有的范式。

13. The emergence of eco-friendly practices in businesses is becoming more common.

- 企业中环保实践的出现变得越来越普遍。

14. The emergence of community support systems has improved local resilience.

- 社区支持系统的出现提高了地方的复原力。

15. The emergence of art movements throughout history reflects changing cultural values.

- 历史上艺术运动的出现反映了文化价值观的变化。

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