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时间: 2024-09-21 10:27:32


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "immobile" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She stood transfixed, immobile with fear, as the bear approached. (她惊呆了,因为恐惧而一动不动,熊靠近了。)

2. After the accident, his legs were temporarily immobile due to severe bruising. (事故后,由于严重擦伤,他的腿暂时不能动。)

3. The old car sat immobile in the garage, gathering dust over the years. (那辆旧车已经多年不动,一直静止在车库里积满了灰尘。)

4. Patients with advanced arthritis may find their joints becoming increasingly immobile. (患有晚期关节炎的病人可能会发现他们的关节越来越不灵活。)

5. The cat remained immobile, watching intently for any movement from the mouse. (猫一动不动地盯着老鼠,专心等待它的一举一动。)

6. The glacier appeared immobile to the human eye, yet it moved imperceptibly over centuries. (冰川在人眼中看来静止不动,但却在几个世纪间微不可察地移动着。)

7. The gears of bureaucracy often seem immobile, making it difficult to implement rapid changes. (官僚机构的齿轮通常看起来不动,这使得快速实施变革变得困难。)

8. In deep meditation, she sat immobile for hours, lost in thought. (在深度冥想中,她坐在那里几个小时一动不动,陷入了沉思。)

9. The snake remained immobile, waiting for the right moment to strike. (蛇一动不动地等待着合适的时机发动攻击。)

10. He was so startled by the news that he remained immobile for several minutes. (他如此惊讶于这个消息,以至于一动不动地呆立了几分钟。)

11. The mountains stood immobile against the backdrop of the setting sun. (山峰在夕阳的映衬下静止不动。)

12. The ancient ruins lay immobile beneath the layers of vegetation that had grown over them. (古老的废墟静卧在覆盖着它们的植被层下。)

13. The negotiations seemed immobile, with neither side willing to compromise. (谈判看起来僵持不下,双方都不愿妥协。)

14. As the storm approached, the air grew heavy and immobile, foreshadowing the downpour. (暴风雨逼近时,空气变得沉闷而静止,预示着大雨即将到来。)

15. The artist captured the essence of stillness in her painting, depicting a landscape where time seemed immobile. (艺术家在她的画作中捕捉到了静止的本质,描绘了一个时间似乎停滞不前的景观。)


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