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时间: 2024-09-20 16:04:40


Certainly! "Polymorphic" refers to something that has the ability to take on different forms or shapes. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The software developer implemented a polymorphic function that could handle multiple data types.

- 这位软件开发者实现了一个多态函数,可以处理多种数据类型。

2. The creature in the movie was polymorphic, changing its appearance to mimic different animals.

- 电影中的生物是多态的,可以改变外观来模仿不同的动物。

3. In genetics, certain genes exhibit polymorphic traits, varying among different individuals.

- 在遗传学中,某些基因表现出多态性特征,在不同个体之间有所不同。

4. The artist created a polymorphic sculpture that could be rearranged into various configurations.

- 艺术家创作了一件多态雕塑,可以重新组合成多种配置。

5. The polymorphic virus changed its code each time it infected a new computer, making detection difficult.

- 这种多态病毒在每次感染新计算机时会改变其代码,使得检测变得困难。

6. The polymorphic nature of the project allowed for flexible adaptation to different market demands.

- 该项目的多态性使其能够灵活适应不同的市场需求。

7. The author's polymorphic writing style appealed to a wide range of readers.

- 作者多样化的写作风格吸引了广泛的读者群体。

8. The polymorphic crystals exhibited various colors under different lighting conditions.

- 这些多态晶体在不同的光照条件下显示出各种颜色。

9. The polymorphic forms of the mineral were studied to understand their different properties.

- 研究该矿物的多种形态以了解它们的不同特性。

10. The company developed a polymorphic material that could be used in multiple industries.

- 公司开发了一种多态材料,可应用于多个行业。

11. The polymorphic nature of the debate allowed for diverse viewpoints to be expressed.

- 辩论的多态性允许表达多样化的观点。

12. The polymorphic species of butterflies could adapt to various climates and environments.

- 这种多态性的蝴蝶物种能够适应各种气候和环境。

13. The designer created a polymorphic fashion line that could be worn in different ways.

- 设计师设计了一系列多态时装,可以以不同的方式穿戴。

14. The researcher investigated the polymorphic behavior of nanoparticles under different temperatures.

- 研究人员调查了纳米颗粒在不同温度下的多态行为。

15. The polymorphic characters in the novel reflected the complexities of human nature.

- 小说中的多态性角色反映了人类性格的复杂性。


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