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时间: 2024-09-20 14:12:38


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "mortuary," each followed by a Chinese explanation:

1. The mortuary was quiet, with only the faint hum of refrigeration units audible.

- 太平间很安静,只能听到微弱的制冷设备的嗡嗡声。

2. They identified the body at the mortuary after the tragic accident.

- 在悲剧事故后,他们在太平间辨认了尸体。

3. The mortuary technician carefully prepared the deceased for viewing.

- 太平间的技师小心翼翼地为逝者做好了展示的准备工作。

4. Families gathered at the mortuary to pay their last respects to the departed.

- 家人们聚集在太平间,向逝者致以最后的敬意。

5. The mortuary services were conducted with utmost professionalism and sensitivity.

- 太平间的服务非常专业且充满敏感性。

6. Investigators spent hours at the mortuary gathering evidence for the case.

- 调查人员在太平间花费了数小时收集案件证据。

7. She found closure after visiting the mortuary and saying goodbye.

- 她在到太平间告别后找到了心灵的慰藉。

8. The mortuary manager ensured all procedures adhered to strict protocols.

- 太平间经理确保所有程序遵循严格的规定。

9. The mortuary was dimly lit, adding to the solemn atmosphere.

- 太平间灯光昏暗,增添了庄严的氛围。

10. The mortuary staff handled the deceased with great care and respect.

- 太平间工作人员非常小心地处理逝者,表现出极大的尊重。

11. Families were allowed to spend quiet moments with their loved ones at the mortuary.

- 家人们被允许在太平间与他们的亲人安静相处。

12. The mortuary director coordinated the logistics for the funeral arrangements.

- 太平间主任协调了葬礼安排的后勤工作。

13. The mortuary was located within the hospital grounds for convenience.

- 太平间位于医院内部,以便于操作。

14. The mortuary attendant escorted them to view the body in private.

- 太平间服务员陪同他们私下查看尸体。

15. The mortuary offered grief counseling services to families in need.

- 太平间向有需要的家庭提供悲伤辅导服务。


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