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时间: 2024-09-20 20:54:47


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "insurmountable," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The challenges posed by the pandemic seemed insurmountable at times.

- 疫情带来的挑战有时看似不可逾越。

2. Despite their best efforts, they faced an insurmountable obstacle in completing the project on time.

- 尽管他们尽力了,但在按时完成项目上面临着无法逾越的障碍。

3. The mountain range presented an insurmountable barrier to their progress.

- 这座山脉对他们的前进构成了不可逾越的障碍。

4. The cultural differences proved to be insurmountable in their attempts to reach a compromise.

- 在试图达成妥协时,文化差异被证明是不可逾越的。

5. Overcoming his fear of public speaking seemed insurmountable until he enrolled in a speech therapy program.

- 直到他参加演讲治疗项目之前,克服公众演讲的恐惧似乎是不可逾越的。

6. The team faced an insurmountable deficit going into the final quarter of the game.

- 球队在比赛最后一个季度前面临不可逾越的落后。

7. The complexity of the legal system can appear insurmountable to those unfamiliar with it.

- 对于不熟悉法律系统的人来说,法律体系的复杂性似乎是不可逾越的。

8. The language barrier proved insurmountable despite their attempts to communicate using gestures.

- 尽管他们试图用手势交流,语言障碍还是证明是不可逾越的。

9. The sheer size of the project posed an insurmountable challenge for the small team.

- 项目的庞大规模对小团队来说构成了不可逾越的挑战。

10. Financial constraints became insurmountable as the project progressed.

- 随着项目的推进,财务限制变得不可逾越。

11. The floodwaters created an insurmountable barrier, cutting off access to the town.

- 洪水形成了不可逾越的障碍,阻断了通往小镇的道路。

12. His lack of experience in the industry proved to be an insurmountable disadvantage.

- 他在这个行业的经验不足被证明是不可逾越的劣势。

13. The team faced an insurmountable challenge in trying to meet the unrealistic deadline.

- 球队面临着试图达到不切实际的最后期限的不可逾越的挑战。

14. The political divide between the two parties appeared insurmountable.

- 两党之间的政治分歧看起来是不可逾越的。

15. Despite his determination, the scale of the problem seemed insurmountable.

- 尽管他有决心,问题的规模似乎是不可逾越的。


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