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时间: 2024-09-20 21:05:11


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "paramount" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Safety is of paramount importance in this laboratory.

- 这个实验室的安全至关重要。

2. The health and well-being of our employees are paramount to our company.

- 我们公司非常重视员工的健康和福祉。

3. In any negotiation, clarity of communication is paramount.

- 在任何谈判中,沟通的清晰度至关重要。

4. Education is considered paramount for the future of our society.

- 教育被认为是我们社会未来发展的关键。

5. The welfare of children is of paramount concern to the government.

- 政府非常关注儿童的福利问题。

6. The president stressed that national security was paramount in his decision-making.

- 总统强调,在他的决策中国家安全至关重要。

7. Maintaining good relations with our clients is paramount to our success.

- 与客户保持良好关系对我们的成功至关重要。

8. For a successful business, customer satisfaction is paramount.

- 对于一家成功的企业,客户满意至关重要。

9. The judge considered fairness to be of paramount importance in the trial.

- 法官认为公平在审判中至关重要。

10. Environmental protection should be of paramount concern for everyone.

- 环境保护应该是每个人的首要关注。

11. In his speech, he emphasized that freedom of speech was paramount to a democratic society.

- 他在演讲中强调言论自由对一个民主社会至关重要。

12. The company's commitment to quality is paramount in all its operations.

- 公司在所有运营中对质量的承诺至关重要。

13. Trust between partners is paramount in building a successful business.

- 合作伙伴之间的信任在建立成功的企业中至关重要。

14. The team captain believes that teamwork is paramount to winning the championship.

- 队长认为团队合作对赢得冠军至关重要。

15. Personal integrity is paramount when dealing with sensitive information.

- 处理敏感信息时个人诚信至关重要。


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