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时间: 2024-09-21 11:51:24


Certainly! 这里有关于"disconnect"的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. She felt a disconnect between her personal values and the company's goals. (她感到个人价值观与公司目标之间存在脱节。)

2. There is often a disconnect between what politicians promise and what they actually deliver. (政治家承诺的与实际交付的常常不一致。)

3. The disconnect between the generations was evident in their vastly different opinions. (代沟在他们截然不同的观点中表现得很明显。)

4. John's lack of focus caused a disconnect in the team's progress. (约翰缺乏专注导致团队进展出现了脱节。)

5. There seems to be a disconnect in communication between the marketing and sales departments. (市场营销部门和销售部门之间的沟通似乎出现了脱节。)

6. The novel explores the disconnect between appearance and reality in society. (这部小说探讨了社会上外表和现实之间的脱节。)

7. His mind wandered, causing a disconnect in his ability to concentrate on the task at hand. (他的思绪飘忽不定,导致他无法集中精力完成手头的任务。)

8. The disconnect in the power supply led to a temporary outage in the building. (电力供应中的故障导致建筑物暂时停电。)

9. There was a noticeable disconnect in the rhythm of their conversation. (他们对话的节奏中有明显的脱节。)

10. The disconnect between theory and practice was apparent during the experiment. (理论与实践之间的脱节在实验中显而易见。)

11. The sudden loss of funding caused a disconnect in the ongoing research project. (资金突然中断导致进行中的研究项目出现脱节。)

12. He tried to bridge the disconnect between different cultural perspectives. (他试图弥合不同文化观点之间的脱节。)

13. A significant disconnect exists between the project's timeline and the actual progress made. (项目的时间表与实际进展之间存在显著的脱节。)

14. The disconnect in understanding led to frequent misunderstandings between the partners. (理解上的脱节导致合作伙伴之间经常产生误解。)

15. The disconnect between the students' expectations and the teacher's teaching style was challenging to overcome. (学生期望与教师教学风格之间的脱节很难克服。)


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