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时间: 2024-09-20 11:15:12



1. The impact of climate change on the region is pronounced, with temperatures rising faster than the global average. (气候变化对该地区的影响显著,温度上升速度快于全球平均水平。)

2. She has a pronounced accent that reflects her European upbringing. (她有明显的口音,反映了她在欧洲长大的经历。)

3. The company reported a pronounced increase in profits this quarter. (该公司报告称本季度利润显著增加。)

4. His dislike for spicy food is pronounced; he avoids anything with even a hint of chili. (他对辛辣食物的厌恶非常明显,连带有点辣味的东西他都避免。)

5. The difference in performance between the two teams was pronounced, with one dominating the game from start to finish. (两支队伍在表现上的差异明显,其中一支队伍从头到尾都占据了比赛的主动权。)

6. She has a pronounced limp due to an old injury. (她因为一次旧伤而明显地跛行。)

7. The smell of roses in the garden was pronounced after the rain. (雨后花园里玫瑰的香气很明显。)

8. The effects of the medicine were pronounced and immediate. (这种药的效果显著且立竿见影。)

9. His influence on the team's strategy is pronounced; they often follow his suggestions. (他对球队战略的影响显著,他们经常听从他的建议。)

10. There was a pronounced difference in opinion among the committee members. (委员会成员之间意见明显分歧。)

11. The economic downturn had a pronounced effect on small businesses. (经济下行对小企业产生了明显影响。)

12. The artist's use of color was pronounced, with bold contrasts and vibrant shades. (艺术家对色彩的运用非常显著,色彩鲜明对比强烈。)

13. Her nervousness was pronounced as she waited for the interview to begin. (她等待面试开始时表现出的紧张非常明显。)

14. The neighborhood has undergone pronounced changes in recent years with new developments and renovations. (这个社区近年来经历了明显的变化,有新的开发和翻新。)

15. His commitment to environmental conservation is pronounced in his daily actions and choices. (他在日常行动和选择中对环境保护的承诺非常明显。)


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