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时间: 2024-09-21 12:12:10



1. The estate was deemed impartible, passed down intact from generation to generation. (这块地产被视为不可分割的,代代相传。)

2. In some cultures, certain sacred objects are considered impartible and cannot be divided. (在某些文化中,某些神圣物品被认为是不可分割的,不能被分开。)

3. The kingdom's crown jewels are impartible treasures, safeguarded through centuries. (王国的王冠珠宝是不可分割的宝藏,经过数个世纪的保护。)

4. The landholding was established as an impartible inheritance, ensuring unity among heirs. (这块土地被设定为不可分割的继承,确保继承人之间的团结。)

5. The ruling emphasized that the family estate remained impartible, adhering to ancient traditions. (裁决强调家族财产仍然是不可分割的,遵循古老的传统。)

6. Legal documents clarified that the business partnership was impartible, requiring joint decision-making. (法律文件澄清了商业合伙关系是不可分割的,需要共同决策。)

7. The tribe’s leadership was vested in an impartible council of elders. (部落的领导权掌握在一个不可分割的长老会中。)

8. The treaty stipulated that the river would remain impartible between the two nations. (条约规定这条河流将在两国之间保持不可分割。)

9. The family heirloom was considered impartible, passing from parent to child without division. (这件家族传家宝被视为不可分割的,一代一代传承,不分割。)

10. The organization's principles included an impartible commitment to environmental sustainability. (该组织的原则包括对环境可持续性的不可分割承诺。)

11. The team's success relied on impartible cooperation among its diverse members. (团队的成功依赖于其多样成员之间的不可分割合作。)

12. Historical artifacts were kept as impartible collections, preserving their integrity. (历史文物被保留为不可分割的收藏,保持其完整性。)

13. The constitution guaranteed the country's sovereignty as impartible and indivisible. (宪法保证了国家主权的不可分割和不可分割性。)

14. The organization's core values include impartible dedication to community service. (该组织的核心价值包括对社区服务的不可分割奉献。)

15. The alliance was based on an impartible alliance agreement, ensuring mutual support. (这个联盟建立在一份不可分割的联盟协议基础上,确保互相支持。)


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