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时间: 2024-09-20 23:11:42


1. Can you give me an example of how to use this software?


2. The teacher used a real-life example to explain the concept to the students.


3. For example, if you add two and two, you get four.


4. This painting is a perfect example of the artist's style.


5. Let me give you an example to illustrate my point.


6. For example, she always takes the lead in group projects.


7. The company's success is a shining example of what can be achieved with hard work and determination.


8. Can you show me an example of how to solve this equation?


9. The charity's work is a great example of how individuals can make a positive impact on their community.


10. This book provides numerous examples of how to improve your communication skills.


11. For example, the company offers flexible working hours for its employees.


12. The concept is difficult to understand without a concrete example.


13. This case is a prime example of why we need to improve our healthcare system.


14. The museum has a wide range of examples of ancient pottery from different cultures.


15. For example, the new policy has already had a positive impact on our sales.


16. The professor used an example from nature to explain the concept of adaptation.


17. Can you think of an example where this theory would not apply?


18. The success of this project will serve as an example for future initiatives.


19. The artist's work is a perfect example of how creativity can transcend cultural boundaries.


20. It's important to provide examples to support your argument.


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