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时间: 2024-09-20 11:26:14


1. The medicine had a positive effect on his condition. 这种药对他的病情产生了积极的影响。

2. The new policy had a significant effect on the economy. 新政策对经济产生了重大影响。

3. The loud noise had a jarring effect on her nerves. 嘈杂的噪音对她的神经产生了刺耳的影响。

4. The lighting in the room had a calming effect. 房间里的灯光产生了平静的效果。

5. The new law had an immediate effect on crime rates. 新法律立即对犯罪率产生了影响。

6. The medication may have side effects. 这种药可能会有副作用。

7. The sound effects in the movie were incredibly realistic. 电影中的音效非常逼真。

8. The weather had a direct effect on our travel plans. 天气直接影响了我们的旅行计划。

9. The new technology will have a transformative effect on the industry. 新技术将对行业产生变革性影响。

10. The drug had a numbing effect on the patient. 这种药对患者产生了麻木的效果。

11. The advertising campaign had a positive effect on sales. 广告宣传对销售产生了积极影响。

12. The painting had a soothing effect on the viewer. 这幅画对观众产生了宁静的效果。

13. The earthquake had a devastating effect on the community. 地震对社区产生了毁灭性的影响。

14. The decision had a ripple effect throughout the company. 这个决定在整个公司产生了涟漪效应。

15. The music had a profound effect on her emotions. 音乐对她的情绪产生了深远的影响。

16. The new policy had an unintended effect on small businesses. 新政策对小企业产生了意想不到的影响。

17. The drug had a positive effect on the patient's symptoms. 这种药对患者的症状产生了积极的影响。

18. The exercise had a rejuvenating effect on her body. 运动对她的身体产生了恢复活力的效果。

19. The new technology had a cascading effect on other industries. 新技术对其他行业产生了连锁效应。

20. The medication had an adverse effect on his ability to concentrate. 这种药对他的专注力产生了不利影响。

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