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时间: 2024-09-20 06:50:44


Certainly! "Acquiesce" means to accept, comply, or consent without protest, though not necessarily enthusiastically. Here are 15 sentences using "acquiesce," along with their Chinese translations:

1. He reluctantly acquiesced to their demands for a pay cut. (他不情愿地默认了他们要求的降薪。)

2. She refused to acquiesce to the terms of the contract. (她拒绝默认合同条款。)

3. Despite his objections, he eventually acquiesced to their plan. (尽管他反对,最终他还是默认了他们的计划。)

4. The government will not acquiesce to the demands of the terrorists. (政府不会默认恐怖分子的要求。)

5. She had no choice but to acquiesce to their decision. (她别无选择,只能默认他们的决定。)

6. He always acquiesced in his wife's decisions. (他总是默认妻子的决定。)

7. The board of directors had to acquiesce in the CEO's strategic vision. (董事会不得不默认CEO的战略愿景。)

8. Despite his reservations, he eventually acquiesced. (尽管有所保留,但他最终还是默认了。)

9. The team had no choice but to acquiesce to the coach's demands. (团队别无选择,只能默认教练的要求。)

10. The workers acquiesced to the new rules after lengthy negotiations. (经过长时间的谈判,工人们默认了新规定。)

11. He acquiesced in the decision, though he didn't fully agree with it. (尽管他并不完全同意,但他还是默认了这个决定。)

12. The opposition party refused to acquiesce to the government's proposed legislation. (反对党拒绝默认政府提出的立法建议。)

13. The teacher demanded respect and would not acquiesce to any misbehavior in the classroom. (老师要求尊重,不会默认课堂上的任何不当行为。)

14. Despite their protests, they eventually acquiesced in the decision. (尽管他们抗议,最终他们还是默认了那个决定。)

15. He was known for never acquiescing to unfair treatment. (他以从不默认不公平对待而闻名。)

These sentences illustrate various contexts in which "acquiesce" can be used, demonstrating acceptance or agreement under different circumstances.

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