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时间: 2024-09-20 16:57:34



1. The raptor soared high above the canyon, searching for prey. (猛禽在峡谷上空翱翔,搜索猎物。)

2. Raptors have keen eyesight which helps them spot small animals from great distances. (猛禽具有敏锐的视力,能够帮助它们从远处发现小动物。)

3. The biologist studied the migration patterns of raptors in the region. (生物学家研究了该地区猛禽的迁徙模式。)

4. The falcon is one of the fastest raptors, capable of diving at speeds exceeding 200 miles per hour. (猎隼是速度最快的猛禽之一,能够以超过每小时200英里的速度俯冲。)

5. Raptors play a crucial role in controlling populations of rodents and other small animals. (猛禽在控制啮齿动物和其他小动物种群方面起着至关重要的作用。)

6. The photographer captured a breathtaking image of a raptor perched on a branch. (摄影师拍摄了一张壮观的照片,猛禽栖息在树枝上。)

7. Some raptors hunt during the day, while others are nocturnal predators. (一些猛禽在白天狩猎,而其他一些是夜间捕食者。)

8. The owl is a silent and efficient raptor known for its ability to hunt in complete darkness. (猫头鹰是一种悄无声息且高效的猛禽,以其在完全黑暗中捕猎的能力而闻名。)

9. Raptors use their sharp talons to grasp and kill their prey swiftly. (猛禽利用锋利的爪子迅速抓住并杀死猎物。)

10. Conservation efforts are crucial to protecting endangered raptors from extinction. (保护工作对于保护濒危的猛禽免于灭绝至关重要。)

11. Golden eagles are powerful raptors found in many parts of the world. (金雕是在世界许多地方发现的强大猛禽。)

12. The biologist observed the behavior of a nesting pair of raptors in the forest. (生物学家观察了森林中一对筑巢猛禽的行为。)

13. Peregrine falcons are renowned for their incredible speed and agility among raptors. (游隼在猛禽中以其惊人的速度和敏捷闻名。)

14. The conservation area is home to a diverse population of raptors, each with its own specialized hunting techniques. (保护区是多样化的猛禽栖息地,每种猛禽都有其专门的捕猎技术。)

15. Raptors have adapted to various habitats, from deserts to mountain ranges, demonstrating their remarkable resilience. (猛禽已适应各种栖息地,从沙漠到山脉,展示了其显著的适应能力。)


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