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时间: 2024-09-20 11:30:25


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "absolution" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The priest gave him absolution for his sins.

- 牧师赦免了他的罪过。

2. She sought absolution from her guilt-ridden conscience.

- 她寻求从她充满负罪感的良心中得到宽恕。

3. In the Catholic faith, absolution is granted through the sacrament of confession.

- 在天主教信仰中,宽恕是通过忏悔的圣礼得到的。

4. The defendant's expression showed relief after receiving absolution from the judge.

- 被告在法官宽恕之后露出了释然的表情。

5. The forgiveness she received felt like absolution for her past mistakes.

- 她得到的宽恕感觉像是对她过去错误的赦免。

6. He hoped to find absolution in the eyes of his disappointed parents.

- 他希望能在他失望的父母眼中找到宽恕。

7. The act of confession is a step towards seeking absolution.

- 忏悔的行为是寻求宽恕的一步。

8. Some people believe that only God can grant true absolution.

- 有些人认为只有上帝能赐予真正的宽恕。

9. After years of guilt, he finally found absolution in his own heart.

- 经过多年的内疚,他终于在自己的心中找到了宽恕。

10. The priest assured her that God's absolution was unconditional.

- 牧师向她保证,上帝的宽恕是无条件的。

11. His act of charity was seen as a form of self-absolution.

- 他的慈善行为被视为一种自我赦免。

12. The community granted him absolution for his past mistakes.

- 社区对他过去的错误给予了宽恕。

13. Seeking absolution can be a deeply personal journey.

- 寻求宽恕可能是一段深层次的个人旅程。

14. The ritual of confession and absolution is central to many religious practices.

- 忏悔和宽恕的仪式是许多宗教实践的核心。

15. Despite receiving absolution, he struggled to forgive himself.

- 尽管得到了宽恕,他仍然很难原谅自己。


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