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时间: 2024-09-20 11:53:32


Certainly! "Retrospective" 可以表示“回顾的”,通常用于形容过去的事件或情况。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The team conducted a retrospective analysis of their performance over the past quarter.


2. The retrospective review of the project highlighted several areas for improvement.


3. The museum hosted a retrospective exhibition showcasing the artist's works from the past decade.


4. After the event, there was a retrospective discussion to evaluate what went well and what could be improved.


5. The CEO's retirement speech was a retrospective look at the company's milestones and achievements.


6. As part of the research project, a retrospective study was conducted to analyze historical data.


7. The book provides a retrospective view of the author's early life and influences.


8. The retrospective analysis of economic policies revealed trends that shaped future strategies.


9. The retrospective nature of the documentary allowed viewers to reflect on historical events.


10. Researchers conducted a retrospective survey to gather insights into consumer behavior over the past decade.


11. The retrospective retrospective review helped the team identify lessons learned and apply them to future projects.


12. The retrospective analysis of the market crash provided valuable insights for investors.


13. Her memoir offered a retrospective glimpse into her career and personal life.


14. The retrospective exhibition celebrates the artist's evolution over three decades.


15. The retrospective review of medical records revealed patterns in patient outcomes.



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