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时间: 2024-09-20 17:08:00



1. The wedding day turned out to be auspicious with clear skies and warm weather. (婚礼当天天气晴朗温暖,十分吉利。)

2. Starting a new job on a Monday is considered auspicious for many people. (很多人认为在周一开始新工作是十分吉利的。)

3. The team saw an auspicious beginning to the season with three consecutive wins. (球队在新赛季开始时取得了三连胜,开局十分吉利。)

4. The project's launch coincided with an auspicious date in the lunar calendar. (项目的启动恰逢农历上的一个吉利日子。)

5. Finding a four-leaf clover is believed to bring auspiciousness and good luck. (找到四叶草被认为会带来吉祥和好运。)

6. The birth of a healthy baby boy is always considered an auspicious event. (一个健康的男婴的出生总是被视为一个吉利的事件。)

7. They chose to sign the contract on an auspicious day according to their cultural beliefs. (根据他们的文化信仰,他们选择在一个吉利的日子签署合同。)

8. The auspicious red envelope is traditionally given during Chinese New Year for good luck. (在中国新年期间,人们传统上会送出红色的吉利封信以求好运。)

9. The ancient prophecy foretold that the comet's appearance would herald an auspicious era. (古代的预言说,彗星的出现将预示一个吉利的时代即将到来。)

10. Seeing a shooting star is considered an auspicious sign in many cultures. (在许多文化中,看到流星被认为是一个吉利的征兆。)

11. The new building was inaugurated on an auspicious occasion with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. (新建筑在一个吉利的日子举行了剪彩仪式。)

12. A rainbow appearing after the storm was seen as an auspicious symbol of hope. (风暴过后出现的彩虹被视为希望的吉祥象征。)

13. Planting seeds during the first full moon of spring is considered an auspicious time for farmers. (春季第一个满月期间播种被认为是农民的一个吉利时间。)

14. The team's victory in the championship game was an auspicious end to the season. (球队在冠军赛上的胜利是一个赛季的吉祥结局。)

15. In some cultures, finding a horseshoe is seen as an auspicious omen for good luck. (在一些文化中,找到马蹄铁被看作是好运的吉祥征兆。)


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