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时间: 2024-09-21 12:59:23


Certainly! 这里有关于“stationary”的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. My car was stationary at the traffic light. (我的车在红绿灯前停止。)

2. The stationary bike at the gym is always in high demand. (健身房里的静止自行车总是很受欢迎。)

3. Please keep the camera stationary while filming. (拍摄时请保持相机静止。)

4. The front line remained stationary for several hours during the battle. (战斗中,前线保持静止了几个小时。)

5. The patient should remain stationary while the nurse takes their blood pressure. (病人在护士量血压时应该保持静止。)

6. The price of the stock remained stationary throughout the day. (股票的价格整天保持不变。)

7. The weather balloon appeared stationary in the sky. (气象气球在天空中看起来是静止的。)

8. The artist’s still life paintings feature stationary objects. (画家的静物画作品里有静止的物体。)

9. The target remained stationary while the archer took aim. (靶子在射箭手瞄准时保持静止。)

10. The traffic jam caused all vehicles to be stationary for hours. (交通堵塞导致所有车辆停止了几个小时。)

11. The cat remained stationary, waiting patiently for the mouse to emerge. (猫保持静止,耐心等待老鼠出现。)

12. The sun appears to be stationary in the sky, but it actually moves across the heavens. (太阳在天空中看起来是静止的,但实际上它是在天空中运行的。)

13. The scientific theory posits that the universe is not stationary but expanding. (科学理论认为宇宙并非静止不动而是在膨胀。)

14. The printer ran out of ink, leaving the paper stationary in the tray. (打印机墨水用完了,留下了放在托盘里的纸张。)

15. The earthworm remained stationary in its burrow, avoiding detection. (蚯蚓在自己的洞穴里保持静止,避免被发现。)


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