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时间: 2024-09-21 05:04:12


1. Water is a common example of a fluid. 水是流体的常见例子。

2. The fluid leaked out of the car's engine. 液体从汽车的发动机泄漏出来了。

3. He has a fluid and graceful dance style. 他的舞蹈风格流畅而优雅。

4. The doctor recommended increasing fluid intake to stay hydrated. 医生建议增加液体摄入量以保持水分。

5. The fluid dynamics of the river create a beautiful and ever-changing landscape. 河流的流体动力学创造了一个美丽而不断变化的景观。

6. The artist used fluid brushstrokes to create a sense of movement in the painting. 画家使用流畅的笔触在绘画中营造了一种动感。

7. The fluid nature of the market makes it difficult to predict future trends. 市场的流动性使得难以预测未来的趋势。

8. She has a fluid way of speaking, effortlessly switching between languages. 她说话的方式流利自如,毫不费力地在不同语言之间切换。

9. The fluid in the container sloshed around as he moved it. 随着他移动容器,液体晃动着。

10. The fluidity of the fabric made it perfect for the dancer's movements. 面料的流动性使得它非常适合舞者的动作。

11. The fluid motion of the gymnast was mesmerizing to watch. 体操运动员流畅的动作令人着迷。

12. The fluid exchange of ideas during the brainstorming session led to a breakthrough. 头脑风暴会议期间的思想交流导致了一次突破。

13. She has a fluid way of adapting to new situations. 她有一种适应新情况的流畅方式。

14. The fluid transition between scenes in the play kept the audience engaged. 剧中场景之间流畅的过渡保持了观众的兴趣。

15. The fluid dynamics of the ocean create powerful currents. 海洋的流体动力学造成了强大的海流。

16. The fluidity of the music allowed for improvisation during the performance. 音乐的流畅性允许在演出中即兴发挥。

17. The fluid in her knee made it difficult for her to walk. 她膝盖里的液体使得她走路困难。

18. The fluid nature of the situation required us to be adaptable. 情况的流动性要求我们要有适应性。

19. The fluid motion of the dancer was captivating to watch. 舞者的流畅动作令人着迷。

20. The fluidity of the conversation allowed for a free exchange of ideas. 对话的流畅性促进了思想的自由交流。

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