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时间: 2024-09-21 02:41:17


1. The ancient fortress stood tall against the enemy's attack.


2. The fortress was heavily fortified with thick walls and high towers.


3. The fortress provided a safe haven for the villagers during the war.


4. The fortress was strategically located on top of a hill, making it difficult for enemies to attack.


5. The fortress was surrounded by a moat filled with water to deter intruders.


6. The fortress was a symbol of strength and protection for the kingdom.


7. The fortress was built to withstand any siege or attack.


8. The fortress was a key stronghold in the region, controlling the surrounding area.


9. The fortress was a formidable barrier against invading armies.


10. The fortress was eventually breached by the enemy after a long and bloody battle.


11. 这座古老的城堡是这个地区的标志性建筑。

(The ancient fortress is a landmark in the area.)

12. 城堡的墙壁上刻满了古老的符号和图案。

(The fortress walls are covered with ancient symbols and patterns.)

13. 城堡内有许多秘密通道和隐藏的房间。

(The fortress is filled with secret passages and hidden rooms.)

14. 这座城堡曾经是国王的居所。

(The fortress used to be the residence of the king.)

15. 这座城堡的建筑风格展现了古老的艺术和工艺。

(The architecture of the fortress showcases ancient art and craftsmanship.)

16. 城堡的防御工事非常坚固,难以攻破。

(The fortress defenses are so strong that they are difficult to breach.)

17. 城堡内有一个宽敞的广场,用于举办各种庆典和活动。

(The fortress has a spacious courtyard for hosting various celebrations and events.)

18. 城堡的地下室保存着许多珍贵的古代文物。

(The fortress's basement houses many precious ancient artifacts.)

19. 城堡的尖塔在夕阳下显得格外壮观。

(The turrets of the fortress look particularly spectacular in the sunset.)

20. 这座城堡曾经是战略要地,控制着整个地区的交通和贸易。

(The fortress used to be a strategic stronghold, controlling the region's traffic and trade.)

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