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时间: 2024-09-20 19:20:31


1. The broken vase lay in pieces, a fragment of its former beauty.


2. The archaeologist carefully excavated the ancient fragment of pottery.


3. The book was missing a crucial fragment of the final chapter.


4. The artist used fragments of old newspapers to create a collage.


5. The memory of that day was only a fragment in her mind.


6. The piece of glass embedded in his foot was just a fragment of the shattered window.


7. The historian pieced together the fragments of the ancient manuscript.


8. The film director used fragmented storytelling to create a sense of mystery.


9. The fragment of the old poem was written in beautiful calligraphy.


10. The broken mirror reflected a fragmented image of the room.


11. The scientist analyzed the fragment of the meteorite to learn about its composition.


12. The novel is a fragmented exploration of the protagonist's memories.


13. She collected the fragment of seashells on the beach as souvenirs.


14. The broken statue was now just a fragment of its former glory.


15. The artist used fragmented light to create an abstract painting.


16. The fragment of the song stuck in her head all day.


17. The historian relied on fragmented evidence to reconstruct the events of the past.


18. The broken mirror lay in fragmented pieces on the floor.


19. The novel's narrative was intentionally fragmented to mimic the protagonist's state of mind.


20. The fragment of the ancient artifact was carefully preserved in a museum.


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