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时间: 2024-09-20 11:35:01


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "determent" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The lack of funding was a determent to their research efforts.

- 缺乏资金成为了他们研究工作的阻碍。

2. The harsh weather conditions were a determent to outdoor activities.

- 恶劣的天气条件对户外活动构成了威慑。

3. Fear of failure can be a determent to taking risks in entrepreneurship.

- 对失败的恐惧可能阻碍人们在创业中承担风险。

4. High taxes are a determent to economic growth.

- 高税收是经济增长的阻碍因素。

5. The complicated registration process is a determent to new applicants.

- 复杂的注册流程对新申请者构成了威慑。

6. Lack of access to healthcare can be a determent to overall well-being.

- 缺乏医疗资源可阻碍整体健康。

7. Language barriers can act as a determent to international communication.

- 语言障碍可能成为国际交流的阻碍。

8. The presence of armed guards was a determent to potential thieves.

- 武装警卫的存在对潜在的窃贼构成了威慑。

9. Uncertainty about the future is a determent to making long-term plans.

- 对未来的不确定性阻碍了制定长远计划。

10. The lack of interest from investors was a determent to expanding the business.

- 投资者缺乏兴趣阻碍了业务的扩展。

11. Cultural differences can sometimes be a determent to cross-cultural understanding.

- 文化差异有时会阻碍跨文化理解。

12. Strict regulations act as a determent to environmental degradation.

- 严格的法规对环境恶化起到了遏制作用。

13. Personal insecurities can be a determent to forming close relationships.

- 个人的不安全感可能阻碍建立亲密关系。

14. Lack of public transportation is a determent to commuting efficiency.

- 缺乏公共交通影响通勤效率。

15. The fear of public speaking can be a determent to career advancement.

- 对公众演讲的恐惧可能阻碍职业发展。


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