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时间: 2024-09-20 12:00:26


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "atrophy" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Muscle atrophy can occur after prolonged immobilization.

- 长时间不动会导致肌肉萎缩。

2. Lack of use can cause the brain to atrophy over time.

- 长期不使用会导致大脑萎缩。

3. The injured leg experienced significant muscle atrophy.

- 受伤的腿部肌肉严重萎缩。

4. Cognitive atrophy can result from chronic stress and depression.

- 持续的压力和抑郁可能导致认知功能萎缩。

5. Without regular exercise, bones may begin to atrophy.

- 没有定期锻炼,骨骼可能开始萎缩。

6. The patient's leg muscles showed signs of atrophy due to nerve damage.

- 由于神经损伤,患者的腿部肌肉显示出萎缩迹象。

7. Social skills can atrophy if not practiced regularly.

- 如果不经常练习,社交技能可能会退化。

8. The atrophy of old traditions is often seen in rapidly modernizing societies.

- 在迅速现代化的社会中,老传统的衰退现象经常可见。

9. Space travel can lead to muscle atrophy due to prolonged weightlessness.

- 太空旅行可能导致肌肉萎缩,因为长时间失重。

10. Emotional neglect can cause relationships to atrophy.

- 情感忽视可能导致关系疏远。

11. Economic atrophy in rural areas has led to mass migration to cities.

- 农村地区经济衰退导致大规模迁徙至城市。

12. The lack of sunlight caused the plant to atrophy.

- 缺乏阳光导致植物枯萎。

13. His skills began to atrophy after retirement.

- 他退休后技能开始衰退。

14. The decline in funding resulted in the atrophy of public services.

- 资金减少导致公共服务的萎缩。

15. Educational atrophy can occur if students are not challenged academically.

- 如果学生在学术上没有受到挑战,教育能力可能会发生萎缩。


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