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时间: 2024-09-20 13:53:27



1. The lake became eutrophic due to agricultural runoff, leading to frequent algal blooms. (由于农业径流,湖泊变得富营养化,导致频繁的藻类爆发。)

2. Eutrophic conditions in the river have caused a decline in fish populations. (河流的富营养化条件导致鱼类数量下降。)

3. The bay's eutrophic state has resulted in murky water and reduced oxygen levels. (海湾的富营养化状态导致水质浑浊和氧气含量降低。)

4. Eutrophic lakes are often characterized by excessive plant growth and decreased biodiversity. (富营养化的湖泊通常表现为植物过度生长和生物多样性减少。)

5. The local government is implementing measures to combat eutrophication in the reservoir. (地方政府正在实施措施,以应对水库的富营养化问题。)

6. Scientists are studying the effects of eutrophication on aquatic ecosystems. (科学家正在研究富营养化对水生态系统的影响。)

7. Eutrophication can lead to the depletion of oxygen in water, which harms fish and other aquatic organisms. (富营养化可以导致水中氧气的消耗,从而危害鱼类和其他水生生物。)

8. The company's discharge of untreated waste contributed to the eutrophication of the nearby river. (公司未经处理的废物排放导致了附近河流的富营养化。)

9. Efforts to reduce fertilizer runoff are crucial in preventing eutrophication in lakes. (减少化肥径流是预防湖泊富营养化的关键。)

10. Eutrophic conditions have led to the closure of beaches due to toxic algal blooms. (由于有毒藻类的大量繁殖,富营养化的条件导致海滩关闭。)

11. The eutrophic state of the pond resulted in the loss of several fish species. (池塘的富营养化状态导致了多个鱼类物种的损失。)

12. Urban development has been linked to the eutrophication of nearby lakes and rivers. (城市发展与附近湖泊和河流的富营养化有关。)

13. The government has implemented stricter regulations to control eutrophication in coastal waters. (政府已实施更严格的法规,以控制沿海水域的富营养化。)

14. Researchers are investigating methods to reverse the eutrophication process in affected lakes. (研究人员正在调查如何逆转受影响湖泊的富营养化过程。)

15. Public awareness campaigns are raising awareness about the dangers of eutrophication to aquatic ecosystems. (公众意识宣传活动正在提高人们对富营养化对水生态系统危害的认识。)


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