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时间: 2024-09-20 00:24:04



1. She was diffident about her ability to lead the team. (她对自己领导团队的能力感到缺乏自信。)

2. His diffident manner often made others underestimate him. (他羞怯的态度经常让别人低估他。)

3. Despite her diffident appearance, she was actually quite assertive. (尽管她看起来羞怯,实际上她相当坚定。)

4. He spoke with a diffident tone during the presentation. (他在演示中说话时显得有些胆怯。)

5. She approached the stage diffidently, unsure of her reception. (她胆怯地走向舞台,不确定会有什么反应。)

6. His diffident smile revealed his nervousness. (他羞怯的微笑显示出他的紧张。)

7. The diffident student hesitated to ask questions in class. (那个羞怯的学生在课堂上不敢发问。)

8. Despite his diffident nature, he was a talented musician. (尽管他性格内向,但他是一位有才华的音乐家。)

9. She remained diffident in social situations, preferring to observe rather than participate. (她在社交场合中仍然保持谦逊,更愿意观察而不是参与。)

10. His diffident attitude masked his deep knowledge of the subject. (他的谦逊态度掩盖了他对这个主题的深刻了解。)

11. The diffident child stood quietly by the door. (那个羞怯的孩子静静地站在门边。)

12. Despite her diffident demeanor, she was a formidable negotiator. (尽管她表现出谦逊的态度,她是一个强大的谈判者。)

13. He accepted praise with a diffident nod. (他谦逊地点了点头接受赞扬。)

14. The diffident rookie surprised everyone with his stellar performance. (那个羞怯的新秀用他出色的表现让所有人都大吃一惊。)

15. Her diffident request for a raise was met with immediate approval. (她谦逊地请求加薪立即得到了批准。)


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