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时间: 2024-09-19 11:47:47


1. The earthquake shook the entire city, causing buildings to collapse.


2. After the earthquake, many people were left homeless and in need of aid.


3. The earthquake registered a magnitude of 7.2 on the Richter scale.


4. The earthquake caused a tsunami that devastated coastal communities.


5. The government is working to improve earthquake preparedness and response.


6. The earthquake's epicenter was located just off the coast.


7. Many people were injured in the earthquake and were rushed to the hospital for treatment.


8. Seismologists are studying the patterns of earthquake activity in the region.


9. The earthquake caused widespread panic and chaos as people fled their homes.


10. The earthquake warning system gave residents a few moments to seek shelter before the tremors hit.


11. The earthquake left a trail of destruction in its wake, with buildings reduced to rubble.


12. Experts are working to develop more advanced technology for predicting and monitoring earthquakes.


13. The earthquake caused a power outage, leaving many without electricity for days.


14. The earthquake triggered landslides in the mountainous region, blocking roads and causing further damage.


15. The earthquake's impact was felt across the entire region, with aftershocks continuing for weeks.


16. The earthquake drill prepared students and staff for the possibility of a real earthquake.


17. The earthquake damaged critical infrastructure, disrupting water and power supplies.


18. The earthquake struck in the middle of the night, catching many people off guard.


19. The earthquake relief efforts included providing temporary shelters and distributing food and water to affected communities.


20. The earthquake highlighted the need for better building codes and safety measures in earthquake-prone areas.


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