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时间: 2024-09-20 11:17:42



1. The efficacy of this new drug in treating cancer is still being studied. (这种新药在治疗癌症方面的功效还在研究中。)

2. The efficacy of the vaccine was demonstrated through extensive clinical trials. (通过大量的临床试验证明了疫苗的有效性。)

3. They conducted experiments to measure the efficacy of different cleaning agents. (他们进行了实验来衡量不同清洁剂的效力。)

4. The report evaluates the efficacy of various teaching methods in improving student performance. (该报告评估了各种教学方法在提高学生表现方面的效果。)

5. The committee reviewed the efficacy of the safety measures implemented in the factory. (委员会审查了工厂实施的安全措施的功效。)

6. Researchers are studying the efficacy of herbal remedies for common ailments. (研究人员正在研究草药治疗常见病症的效果。)

7. Evidence supporting the efficacy of mindfulness meditation continues to grow. (支持正念冥想功效的证据不断增加。)

8. The advertisement claimed the efficacy of their product without providing scientific evidence. (广告声称他们产品的功效,但没有提供科学证据。)

9. Doctors often weigh the potential side effects against the efficacy of a treatment. (医生通常会权衡治疗的潜在副作用与功效。)

10. The efficacy of these measures in preventing pollution needs to be further assessed. (这些措施在预防污染方面的效力需要进一步评估。)

11. The study concluded that the efficacy of the therapy varied depending on the patient's age. (研究结论是,治疗的功效因患者年龄而异。)

12. Consumers should be wary of exaggerated claims about the efficacy of dietary supplements. (消费者应当对关于膳食补充剂功效的夸大宣称保持警惕。)

13. Policy makers are interested in the efficacy of tax incentives to promote renewable energy. (政策制定者对促进可再生能源的税收激励措施的功效感兴趣。)

14. The scientist presented data showing the efficacy of the new technology in reducing carbon emissions. (科学家呈现了数据,展示了新技术在减少碳排放方面的功效。)

15. The committee will evaluate the efficacy of the new curriculum after one year of implementation. (委员会将在实施一年后评估新课程的效果。)


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