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时间: 2024-09-20 00:19:46


1. The universe is said to stretch to infinity. 宇宙被认为是无限的。

2. The concept of infinity has fascinated philosophers for centuries. 无限的概念已经吸引哲学家们数个世纪。

3. The possibilities are endless, they seem to stretch to infinity. 可能性是无限的,它们似乎延伸到无限远。

4. The infinity symbol (∞) represents a concept of endlessness. 无限符号(∞)代表了无尽的概念。

5. The beauty of the night sky is a reminder of the infinity of the universe. 夜空的美丽提醒着我们宇宙的无限之美。

6. The company promised its customers an infinity of choices. 公司向客户承诺提供无限的选择。

7. The mathematician pondered the concept of infinity for years. 这位数学家思考了多年无限的概念。

8. The hotel room had a breathtaking view of the infinity pool. 酒店房间可以欣赏到无边泳池的壮丽景色。

9. The artist's paintings seem to capture the infinity of nature. 艺术家的画作似乎捕捉到了大自然的无限之美。

10. The infinity of love knows no bounds. 爱的无限是无穷的。

11. The concept of infinity can be difficult to grasp. 无限的概念可能难以理解。

12. The infinity of the desert stretched out before us. 沙漠的无限延伸在我们面前。

13. The idea of infinity can be both awe-inspiring and overwhelming. 无限的概念既令人敬畏又令人不知所措。

14. The infinity of space is a source of wonder for many people. 太空的无限是许多人的思考之源。

15. The infinity of the ocean seemed to swallow up the horizon. 大海的无限似乎吞噬了地平线。

16. The company's success seemed to be reaching for infinity. 公司的成功似乎在追求无限。

17. The infinity of time is a concept that is hard to comprehend. 时间的无限是一个难以理解的概念。

18. The infinity of the internet means that there is always something new to discover. 互联网的无限意味着总有新的东西可以发现。

19. The infinity of the universe is a topic that has fascinated scientists for centuries. 宇宙的无限是一个几个世纪以来一直吸引着科学家的话题。

20. The infinity of human potential is a source of inspiration for many people. 人类潜力的无限是许多人灵感的源泉。

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