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时间: 2024-09-20 00:34:03


1. The juror carefully considered all the evidence presented in the trial before reaching a verdict.


2. The juror was excused from duty due to a conflict of interest.


3. The juror took their responsibility seriously and listened attentively to the testimony of the witnesses.


4. The juror was selected at random from a pool of eligible citizens.


5. The juror deliberated with the other members of the jury to reach a unanimous decision.


6. The juror was dismissed from the trial after it was discovered that they had a prior connection to the defendant.


7. The juror's impartiality was questioned by the defense attorney during the selection process.


8. The juror was relieved to be excused from duty, as the trial was expected to last for several weeks.


9. The juror's experience in law enforcement made them a valuable asset to the jury.


10. The juror's commitment to upholding justice was evident in their thoughtful questions during the trial.


11. 陪审员被认为是法庭上最终作出裁决的人之一。

12. 陪审员被要求对案件中的证据进行审查和评估。

13. 这位陪审员在审判中表现出了公正和坚定的立场。

14. 陪审员在审判过程中必须保持中立和客观。

15. 陪审员的责任是在审判结束后作出裁决。

16. 陪审员必须遵守法庭的规定和程序。

17. 陪审员的身份通常是匿名的,以保护他们的安全。

18. 陪审员的职责是听取证据并在法庭上做出公正的裁决。

19. 陪审员必须遵守法庭的命令并保守审判中的秘密。

20. 陪审员的职责是代表社会作出公正的法律裁决。

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