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时间: 2024-09-18 10:54:39


1. The company's profits began to racornir after implementing a new marketing strategy. 中文:公司在实施新的营销策略后开始增长利润。

2. With the support of the local community, the small business was able to racornir and expand its operations. 中文:在当地社区的支持下,这家小企业得以扩张并发展。

3. After years of hard work, the artist's talent finally began to racornir and gain recognition. 中文:经过多年的努力,这位艺术家的才华终于开始得到认可。

4. The sports team's performance racornir after hiring a new coach with a different approach. 中文:这支运动队在聘请了一个采取不同方法的新教练后表现有所提升。

5. The economy of the country started to racornir following the implementation of new financial policies. 中文:在实施新的财政政策后,该国经济开始复苏。

6. The patient's health began to racornir after receiving the proper treatment. 中文:患者在接受了适当的治疗后健康状况开始好转。

7. The student's grades racornir as he became more focused and dedicated to his studies. 中文:随着学生变得更专注并致力于学习,他的成绩有所提高。

8. The popularity of the new product started to racornir as more people became aware of its benefits. 中文:随着更多人意识到其好处,这款新产品的受欢迎程度开始增加。

9. The town's tourism industry racornir after the construction of a new attraction. 中文:在新景点的建设后,该镇的旅游业开始复苏。

10. The singer's career began to racornir after signing a deal with a major record label. 中文:这位歌手在与一家主要唱片公司签约后事业开始蒸蒸日上。

11. The neighborhood racornir as new families moved in and revitalized the area. 中文:随着新家庭的搬入和该地区的复兴,这个社区开始复苏。

12. The restaurant's reputation racornir after receiving positive reviews from food critics. 中文:在食品评论家给予正面评价后,这家餐厅的声誉开始提升。

13. The city's economy racornir as new businesses opened and brought in more revenue. 中文:随着新企业的开业和带来更多收入,该市的经济开始复苏。

14. The team's morale racornir after winning a series of games. 中文:在连续赢得比赛后,团队的士气有所提高。

15. The organization's membership racornir after launching a successful recruitment campaign. 中文:在成功启动招募活动后,该组织的成员数量开始增加。

16. The value of the stock racornir following a positive earnings report. 中文:在发布了积极的收益报告后,股票价值开始上涨。

17. The artist's popularity racornir after a viral social media post showcased their work. 中文:在一篇病毒式社交媒体帖子展示了他们的作品后,这位艺术家的知名度开始上升。

18. The charity's donations racornir after a successful fundraising event. 中文:在成功的筹款活动后,这家慈善机构的捐款开始增加。

19. The team's performance racornir as they trained harder and improved their skills. 中文:随着他们更加努力地训练并提高技能,团队的表现开始有所提升。

20. The company's market share racornir after introducing a popular new product. 中文:在推出了一款受欢迎的新产品后,该公司的市场份额开始增加。

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