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时间: 2024-09-21 09:58:47


1. John was appointed as the successor to the retiring CEO of the company.(约翰被任命为公司即将退休的CEO的继任者。)

2. The prince was the natural successor to the throne.(王子是王位的自然继承人。)

3. After the manager's resignation, Sarah was chosen as his successor.(经理辞职后,萨拉被选为他的继任者。)

4. The new president is eager to prove himself as a worthy successor to his predecessor.(新总统渴望证明自己是前任的称职继任者。)

5. The company is grooming a young executive to be the successor to the current CEO.(公司正在培养一名年轻的高管成为现任CEO的继任者。)

6. It is important for a leader to mentor their successor to ensure a smooth transition of power.(领导者指导他们的继任者是非常重要的,以确保权力的顺利交接。)

7. The successor to the throne must undergo rigorous training and education.(王位的继承人必须接受严格的训练和教育。)

8. The board of directors is in the process of selecting a successor for the retiring chairman.(董事会正在选定一位继任者来接替即将退休的主席。)

9. The company's founder is grooming his daughter to be his successor in running the business.(公司的创始人正在培养他的女儿成为他在经营业务方面的继任者。)

10. The successor to the famous fashion designer has big shoes to fill.(著名时装设计师的继任者面临着巨大的挑战。)

11. The new prime minister is seen as the natural successor to the former leader.(新的首相被视为前任领导者的自然继任者。)

12. The successor to the family business must demonstrate a strong understanding of the industry.(家族企业的继任者必须展现出对行业的深刻理解。)

13. The company's board of directors has been discussing potential successors to the current CEO.(公司的董事会一直在讨论可能成为现任CEO继任者的人选。)

14. The young actor is being touted as the successor to the legendary performer.(这位年轻演员被誉为传奇表演者的继任者。)

15. The successor to the presidency faces the daunting task of leading the country through turbulent times.(总统的继任者面临着带领国家度过动荡时期的艰巨任务。)

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