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时间: 2024-09-20 11:28:56



1. Trophology emphasizes the importance of combining foods properly for optimal digestion.

- 食物组合学强调了正确搭配食物以实现最佳消化的重要性。

2. According to trophology, certain food combinations can lead to better nutrient absorption.

- 根据食物组合学的理论,某些食物搭配可以促进更好的营养吸收。

3. She follows the principles of trophology to maintain a balanced diet.

- 她遵循食物组合学的原则来保持均衡的饮食。

4. Trophology suggests that mixing proteins and carbohydrates should be done with care.

- 食物组合学建议谨慎地混合蛋白质和碳水化合物。

5. The trophology approach advocates for eating fruits separately from other types of foods.

- 食物组合学的方法主张将水果单独吃,不与其他类型的食物混合食用。

6. Learning about trophology can help individuals make informed choices about their diets.

- 了解食物组合学可以帮助个人在饮食上做出明智的选择。

7. The principles of trophology are based on how different foods interact in the digestive system.

- 食物组合学的原则基于不同食物在消化系统中的相互作用。

8. Following trophology guidelines may improve overall health and well-being.

- 遵循食物组合学的指导方针可能改善整体健康和幸福感。

9. Trophology discourages combining acidic foods with starchy foods in the same meal.

- 食物组合学不鼓励在同一餐中将酸性食物与淀粉类食物混合食用。

10. Doctors often recommend trophology principles to patients with digestive issues.

- 医生经常向消化问题患者推荐食物组合学的原则。

11. She studied trophology to better understand how to support her dietary needs.

- 她学习了食物组合学,以更好地了解如何支持自己的饮食需求。

12. Trophology teaches that different food combinations can affect energy levels throughout the day.

- 食物组合学教导我们,不同的食物组合会影响一天中的能量水平。

13. Athletes often adhere to trophology guidelines to optimize their performance.

- 运动员经常遵循食物组合学的指导方针来优化他们的表现。

14. Parents are encouraged to learn about trophology to ensure their children receive balanced nutrition.

- 鼓励父母学习食物组合学,以确保他们的孩子获得均衡的营养。

15. The benefits of trophology include better digestion and nutrient absorption.

- 食物组合学的好处包括更好的消化和营养吸收能力。

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